Will I hit my goal?

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sunday, you came too quick... 22 of May already...

It has been a week since I last wrote, just got crazy busy... Started a few blogs, but they have disappeared some how (Kiefer likes to "play" computer if I leave my laptop open) Lets see if I can do a recap since last weekend....

Doing FABULOUS on my it works wraps and supplements... This week I did 2 wraps and I just love that my I am still loosing inches!!! Biggest test for the supplements was after Tuesday night, we had an old friend come through Germany so we took him out to Big Emma's and he was talked into the 3 Liter beer.... It was so nice reminiscing of old flying stories and deployments that we drank the WHOLE thing... He had to fly the next day, so I drank more than him and I was HURTING!!! Woke up the next morning feeling like crap, but I took the Greens and my thermofit and could immediately feel more energy and my body trying to repair itself... We did a family photo session with one of my amazing friends Melanie, who is just incredible with idea's... We haven't gotten family pics since Kiefer was 7 weeks old...

That night I went for a nice jog around the village for a half hour and felt so much better...

Since starting this blog and taking about the wraps I have had more people come over to my house than ever before... I think about once a day someone comes over for around an hour to get measured and wrapped... It is GREAT!!! All of my friends are seeing the results from loosing around an inch immediatly to a few loosing around 4!!! The going home and continueing to loose more...

I was feeling SUPER bloated friday and I know it was from what I ate the night before while trying to finish my homework, I am a total snacker when working on homework and stressing about getting it turned in on time. Rather than taking the time to go upstairs and cut up some fruit I just snacked on some tortilla chips and salsa (one of my favorites) but HIGH in sodium.... So friday I drank tons of water, took my greens in the morning AND in afternoon, thermo fit 3 times and I used the fatfighter after breakfast and lunch THEN a wrap in the evening... It might sound like a lot of work, but it was SUPER simple because I just put it in the bathroom on the skin and when I would go to the bathroom from drinking all the water, I would take some and drink another glass of water... Kept It Simple Sweetie....

Waking up in the morning my measurements were AWESOME!!!

I was doing some research yesterday morning and wanted to know more about what happens when the wrap is actually on the skin... Good Question right? I found this website http://www.wrapnlosefat.com/body-wraps.php There is a video on the top right that was a GREAT help in my learning start...

The non woven wrap is soaked in the solution of all natural ingredients already, so all you have to do is unfold it and apply it to where ever you want to wrap... Then wrap with cellophane or an ace bandage. I have been using cellophane cause its really easy...

The solution gets absorbed into your skin starting with the top layers, that is where you feel the smoothness after you remove the wrap. As it absorbs deeper into the skin you will see the elasticity and firmness of the skin get better. The solution is being absorbed into your lymphatic system. It is a detox wrap, that the side effects are inch loss... What a great side effect :)

So I have been measuring my self and as of today I have lost over 10 inches all over and I am so happy to write that I am down to 169.5

I will post all of my measurements in my next blog... I am very excited to be feeling this good as I turn 30 on Wednesday. That is what is important, not that I loss weight (great side effect) but that my energy is higher and I feel so much healthier as I run next to Kiefer at the park...

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Saturday, what a beautiful day.....

Good Morning Everyone,
Woke up in a fabulous mood, why? Because I feel great and I helped other women feel great about themselves last night at a wrap party at my home. I didn't have a chance to write on the blog yesterday because from the second I woke up till the wrap party began I was a busy little bee.... Cleaning the house for 14 RSVP's and a few people said they were bringing friends. I have a complex about the first time someone comes into my home I don't want to feel ashamed, so I like to have a clean home. Starting with cleaning up after getting my hair done, I had to put all the rooms downstairs back together. Working my way upstairs and finishing up laundry and everything, I had till 3pm. Then I had to leave to go and check the mail and grab food and drinks for the night... Got home at 5pm for a 530 party... Still had the living room to sweep and mop from a chocolate milk accident that had happend earlier. Running around the house like a crazy woman, while Kiefer slept soundly in our room, so everything I cleaned stayed clean... 530 came and went, at 6 the first guest arrived... I was relieved that we had a few minutes to get a few more things done, but at the same time, where are all the guests that RSVP'd!!!!!!! 15 minutes passed and another guest arrived, then 10 minutes another... But that was it, I checked facebook and had received a few sorry can't make it, got 2 friends who text me to say they got stuck and couldn't come... SO we had fun, everyone that showed up was meant to be here... It was a blast, got some incredible girl time in with laughs... I was able to show the fatfighter demo, this is where you take a glass of water, add around 3 tbls of vegetable oil, then crush a fatfighter pill with a hammer (which breaks up very quickly, just like in your stomach) and you sprinkle the crush pill over the vegetable/water mixture. 30% of the oil sinks to the bottom as it combines with the oil and helps pass through your body quickly so you don't absorb those fats. This does not constipate you are give you diareah, that was one of my first questions... Here is a video demo from another wrap party...

When the girls left there was around 5 inches lost at this wrap party... THAT'S AWESOME!!! They all left with smiles on their faces... When you feel the tingle of the wrap and are measured and it says that you are smaller than when you arrived at the party, you rock a different walk... The nudge to want to continue looking and feeling better, more energy by adding what your body needs with the supplements and then detox OUT what you don't...

As everyone left and I got on the computer to read all the reasons people could not attend and I was more hurt by reading their status's on what they did instead... If I invite you to something I am not wasting my time by inviting you, I want to spend time with you and right now I really wanted to share these kick ass wraps... I had 6 bottles of wine left sitting unopened on the table, 2 FULL trays of cut up fruit and veggies and around 30 bottles of water. A husband that on his night off sat and watched tv in our room so he didn't disturb everyone, only to come out and see almost the same amount on the table as when he went in. He asked if anyone showed up? Luckily I had the jar of cash sitting by the bathroom door and he liked that...........

As we wake up this morning to a clean house, fresh fruit on our toast, and a great attitude because as I read the status's of those that did come, they are still loosing inches and feel great.... I wore a wrap last night as I went to bed and woke up this morning with loosing another 1.5 inches!!!! I am down to 33.75 on the top, 37 in the middle, and a 39 on the bottom I just want to open the window and scream!!! MY BOOBS STICK OUT FARTHER THAN MY STOMACH!!!!!!

I have already taken my thermofit this morning and i can feel the hotpepperblend kicking in, time to get Kiefer dressed and head to the health fair at the commissary. OH I got on the scale this morning and i am down to 173!!! What a beautiful number, that is the best feeling in the world to see that number going down and to know that I feel better, more energy, and I am taking care of myself....

No matter what anyone wants to think about itworks! that it is just a scam and that it doesn't work. I am taking these pills, wearing the wrap, and I am seeing and feeling a difference.The scale is just a number and I am happy it is going down, but if it didn't I would still feel great. I can get everything done at the house, play with Kiefer, do my homework, and talk to my family around the world without feeling exhausted at the end of the day....

Have an amazing Saturday everyone, I hope you get the chance to spend some time outside... Try and tell a stranger hello or Guten Tag....

Thursday, May 12, 2011

May 12, Allready?

I am turning 30 in less than 2 weeks.... This month is just flying by so fast... Very excited though because we are booked on the ICE train to leave K-town on Tuesday 24 May at 7AM headed to PARIS!!!! Of course we are going FIRST class, it was only a few euro's more and includes a full meal and all you can drink French wine... We are headed to Disneyland when we first get there, SO EXCITED!!! Haven't booked a hotel yet, I am constantly searching on easybooking.com and booking.com to find one that we all agree on. Since we will only be in Paris for 48 hours exactly I do not plan on being in the room more than sleeping...
     Weight loss is going FABULOUS! Since taking the thermo fit, acai berry, B12, and the hotpepperblend has given me so much more energy, I can keep up Kiefer!!! Even though he doesn't take a nap anymore and has to run everywhere we go, I am able to go go go too... That alone has made me love taking them. I just take one pill in the morning when I wake up with a full glass of water, another one a few hours later with more water, and if I remember I take a third one sometime in the afternoon before 1600 with more water... I have found that if I take it any later than 4, that I still have too much energy and it is harder for me to fall asleep... But if I take it before than there is no issues on sleep and I drift off to sweet slumber... 
    Getting ready for a wrap party at my house tomorrow, so cleaning and gathering snacks... VERY happy to get to help some of my incredible friends on there way to healthier bodies. Sometimes all you need is a motivational nudge... I am hoping that everyone comes that has RSVP because that will make for a REALLY fun night... 

Yesterday was a lot of fun, my friend Jessi came over with her son Parker and helped me change my hair... It’s been a really long time since I was anything but blonde and had bangs, but its fun to change... I did it; I went red with bangs.... Kept the length and layers, but added bangs and put an apricot color with highlights all through out.... 
Time to knock out this week’s discussion homework on bio diversity in the ecosystems.... Jealous?

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

MAY 10, Tuesday...

I can't believe I haven't logged on for a week... Life got so crazy these last 7 days, I thought about sitting down and writing, but never accomplished. I am very proud to say that I never stopped my adding of the itworks! regimen and I tried to do some kind of exercise whenever possible. I am busy planning my wrap party at my house for Friday and I have 14 confirmed RSVP's, I am so excited to share the wraps with everyone.... I wore another one last night and when I woke up this morning my waist was a 34",37", 39"!!! I feel absolutely great, and I am so in love with these results... I understood starting this program that it isn't a miracle "DIET" but a program that can naturally change your body. I don't know about you, but sometimes I feel like I am the only one that can't loose that pregnancy weight. Every one's bodies changes when they grow a miracle inside of them, but it can be frustrating when that baby is about to turn 3 and you haven't snapped back... My energy is up to where it used to be, the thermofat with the B12, I feel great all day and I am so HAPPY to say that the scale is below 175!!!!!!! I am so excited, almost half way to my birthday and the feeling is incredible.... I could have walked into the BX and grabbed a weight loss drug, been there done that 10 years ago and I DON'T want to add those drugs and caffeine to my body, I don't want to mess with my matabalism and loose weight and when I stop taking the pills the weight comes right back. My goal is to change my body, detox the fat cells, tighten and smooth my skin, loose the weight in a slow controlled way in order to KEEP IT OFF!!!
    12 more days of Biology, I am tired just thinking of the 12 page paper I am going to be writing over these next 2 weeks, the excitement is building towards the next step though. Applied to George Washington University yesterday, prayers that I am accepted and that the GI BILL will cover everything!!!! Will be applying for grants also to help any offsets because of the price being much HIGHER than Ashford... Applying for a leave of absence from Ashford just in case I do not get picked up for the program at GWU, I can continue going to school...

Time to start my day, headed to the train station to buy our tickets for the speed train to Paris!!!!!!!!

<3 ya

Monday, May 2, 2011

7 days down...

Oh Monday, woke up thinking it was just going to be a normal day... Donny is switched to night shift so he was awake on the couch when I got up, first words out of his mouth, "Osama is dead" My heart leaped into my throat, I just wanted to know how? The feeling of relief went rushing through my body, and I felt pride for the men that carried this operation out? While being a Boom in the AF, deployment after deployment, days away from my family during important dates and holiday's, flight after flight, death scare after scare for both myself and for my amazing husband. The amounts of OEF flight operations that I helped with and the amount of fuel I passed to F-16, C-130, B-52's, B-1's, and KC-10's to help every single soldier on the ground do their job and stay safe. After nearly 10 years of hearing that mans name and what he has done, I am happy to go to sleep tonight knowing that he can not head another attack on the worlds innocent people. Yes, someone else has probably filled his shoes and there are probably plans to retaliation on all American's, but his thoughts can no longer hurt...
    School is always on my mind on Mondays, this is the day that homework is due... There wasn't a lot, but it was very confusing and in depth on the cycle of weather and marine food web... 3 weeks left...
    Today was great for my weight loss journey, even though I wasn't able to make it to the gym due to distractions and homework, I am so happy to look in the mirror and notice that my face is looking thinner... With the burst in self confidence I went online and started looking at new bath suits, I found one.... I can't wait to continue to loose weight and look AMAZING in a few weeks when it arrives in the mail... I got it in black because they were out of the purple and I also topped it with a hat...
Tonight is another abdomen wrap night and I am so excited!!! With continued use and excersize I am going to achieve a flatter set of abs, fit back into my pre pregnancy jeans, AND one day wear a bikini again!!!! Thank you iworks! I am more impressed everyday...

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Day 6 - Beautiful Sunday

    Waking up this morning I am hurting... Decided to drink a few spiked ice teas last night while watching the Bruins beat the Flyers in game 1 of the second round of the play offs... This morning the feeling of dehydration and aching muscles are making feel stiff and like I might just be getting o-l-d... 
    Have a baby shower to attend today for a great friend, that has the biggest heart, so I have to get my butt moving and drink a gallon of water... I am also thinking of taking Kiefer to the pool this afternoon, today is the last day it is open till June...
    I have too say that I am really impressed with the way that I look when I see myself in the mirror... Donny is continueing too say that he is noticing a difference... 24 days till my birthday and we have decided what we are going to do... I am beyond excited to turn 30 on top of the Eiffel Tower!!!!

Day 5 - Filled with hockey....

   Sorry this is a day late, but yesterday was a whole lot of hockey... Starting our day at 9AM driving an hour out to Mannheim for a roller hockey tournament to watch the KMC Eagles... As much as I always want to watch Donny play hockey I usually end up chasing Kiefer... Bob's Corner isn't a typical roller rink, it is outside, just has a roof... For the 3+ hours we were there the Eagles lost both their games 3-2 and will now be placed in the lowest bracket, but its more about having fun... Kiefer and I walked the whole time, rarely sitting and taking a break :/ and I was exhausted by the time we got in the car to drive back. Kiefer was passed out with in 3 minutes of getting in the car...
      I was not able to run in the 5K at Ramstein due to the first game being rescheduled the night before, I am already looking for the next one...
     After the workout of chasing Kiefer my legs were spent, so I opted not to hit the gym... It was time to prep for pregame of the Bruins game. Donny is getting his body switched to night schedule last night and tonight before going to work tomorrow night, so fitting my alone time at the gym will take some creative thinking... I'm up for the challenge...